Monday, April 6, 2009

Almost there! Cleansing and Fat Burning System Worked!

After only a few short months, I find myself within 2 pounds of reaching my goals. In late 2008 when I started, it seemed like a pipe dream, that I could shed that much weight and do it in such a short time period... I wanted to be back to 190 by my birthday, which is now just ten days away.

Even a month ago, I was skeptical I could reach it, but looking at the progress, it was a steady and progressive reduction in weight, inches and body fat percentage. The Isagenix system, (referred to as the "Accelerated Program") was designed for me by my coach Barbilee Hemmings. I met her almost 3 years ago now at a networking function. I only wish I'd paid more attention then, so I could have had a better last 3 years.

I'm coming off the accelerated program and moving to a 'standard' program next week, and from there, we'll see what happens. Now that I'm in the right weight range, I'll be more in-tune to looking at myself in the mirror, judging how clothing fits and deciding when I've actually reached my goals. the scale isn't moving all that quickly now, especially since I've added weight training back into the mix. Now that I'm adding muscle, my body composition is changing, I'm just not "losing weight" -which is completely fine with me!

I'm feeling great, have more energy and looking forward to playing ball again this year!

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