Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pounding the Pavement

It was an interesting afternoon. I went around with some other politically-inclined people and knocked on doors with and on behalf of our MLA, Dave Quest. With all the controversy going on right now, I really wasn't sure what to expect. I guess going into it without expectations was good. There were a few of us that hadn't been before, so we were paired up with people that had done the "door knocking ritual" before.

It absolutely was worthwhile doing this. I must say, it definitely took a lot of people by surprise - politicians knocking on doors when there's no election on. Overall, the feedback was generally positive. We ran into a few nurses that had a lot to say, and given the timing, that's definitely not a surprise. They have a hard and usually under-thanked (if that's a word) job and the last thing they want to hear about is anything that could potentially make things more challenging or less-rewarding...

There were a lot of comments about Ed Stelmach. Some positive, some not so positive, but it was nice to see that there are actually some people out there paying attention. We did get one door slammed in our face - I am a bit puzzled by that... I don't quite understand the reaction. If you're upset about something, and someone is there wanting to hear about it, why shut them off? I would have at least expected a good "vent session" (which we were privileged enough to catch twice today....)

At any rate, it was a beautiful day, the weather cooperated and the people out there paying attention to their community and the goings-on of the government really made it worthwhile. Of course there were a lot of people that had no clue about anything going on, but you have to expect that - its not like this is top of mind for everyone out there. Its just nice to see that at least for some, it is.

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